In a recently aired episode of “The Real Housewives of Orange County,” Dr. Milind Ambe consulted with Lynne Curtin’s teen-age daughter about cosmetic surgery. On and off camera, he discussed rhinoplasty and Orange County breast augmentation with the 19 year-old.
“There is a certain amount of pressure to look a certain way here,” says Dr. Ambe. “But, that doesn’t mean that a plastic surgeon should perform a procedure just because his patient thinks she needs it. We have a responsibility to educate and advise our patients, not to simply pick up a scalpel whenever they want.”
“And,” he adds. “You should never feel pressured by your surgeon to have a procedure.”
Dr. Ambe did just this during his recent consultation for an episode of “The Real Housewives of Orange County.” Lynne Curtin’s daughter, Raquel, came to Dr. Ambe with issues about her nose. She wanted to remove a bump and give it a softer, more feminine appearance. Dr. Ambe agreed that rhinoplasty would give symmetry and softness to her face.
Because the rhinoplasty was going to be high-lighted on the show, there was no need to also air Raquel’s request for Orange County breast augmentation.
“Raquel admitted to me that she felt inadequate in her appearance,” says Dr. Ambe. “As a teenager growing up, particularly in California, she wants to fit in with what seems to be the norm.”
Dr. Ambe explained to her that her breasts were growing at a normal rate. He also listed the possible problems that accompany Orange County breast augmentation at such a young stage in development.
Some of the problems women in their late teens and early 20s are experiencing include excessive sagging and the need for revision surgery, implant reduction and implant removal. “Housewives” Tamra Barney had an implant reduction with Newport Beach plastic surgeon, Dr. Ambe. She no longer wanted her large implants that she had gotten in her younger years. She is even considering completely removing them altogether on the show.
“Tamra is an example of a trend that is growing across the country where women are reducing or removing their implants,” says Dr. Ambe. “I wanted to prevent Raquel from having to go through this by educating her today on the cons of implants at such a young age”
The body continues to grow and change with age. Weight gain, hormones and pregnancy all have an impact on breast size. Dr. Ambe has no problem performing a procedure on a young woman who is greatly lacking in breast tissue. “But, for any augmentation, I advise my patient on the size that would most compliment her body shape and size,” he says. “I want to see my patients look natural.”