When planning for augmentation with breast implants, incision choice is one of the most important decisions to make. Women have up to four options, each with their own advantages and disadvantages. Being aware of the differences will help you determine which of the four incision types is best for your situation.
Those looking to minimize scarring often favor a periareolar or infraareolar incision. This type of incision removes the areola and uses the resulting hole as an access point to the chest. This is best suited for women looking into saline breast implants. The major risk is that there is potential for future issues with breastfeeding, as well as loss of sensation in the nipple.
An inframammary incision is used widely throughout plastic surgery, as it is the only incision appropriate for silicone breast implants. Incision scars are hidden underneath the crease of the breast with this option, and it gives a plastic surgeon the greatest level of access to the chest. There is also less of a risk of future issues with breastfeeding.
The transaxillary incision hides the surgical scar under the arm. This is one of the more popular incisions for women who choose saline implants. There is minimal scarring as this is an endoscopic procedure and only requires small incisions.
A transumbilical breast implant incision accesses the chest wall through the belly button. While this is a widely publicized option, it has not been studied and is generally not recommended by professionals in the field. If a patient wants to minimize scarring, periareolar and transaxillary incisions are preferred.
During your consultation, the cosmetic surgeon will review these options with you